We aim to consistently provide the highest quality, evidence-based, credible, and defensible third party medical reports that are unbiased, without compromise, and reflective of the strict professional values of our assessment team.
We offer a wide range of medical services in offices all across the GTA and surrounding areas, and partner with expert clinicians and regulated health care professionals to provide high-quality and timely examinations and reports.
Our court-credentialed assessors are able to meet the Rules of Civil Procedure requirements (i.e. Form 53) and are familiar with Superior Court mandates, arbitrations and court proceedings, including the provision of expert witness testimonies. Advanced Healthcare Management Inc. books all assessments and provides transportation and interpretation services on an as-needed basis.
We provide single and mutidisciplinary assessments, depending on the need. We provide paper/file reviews, in-person assessments as well as virtual assessments.
Catastrophic Assessments Physiatry
Chronic Pain Physiotherapy
Chiropractic Psychology
Social Work Driving Anxiety/Reintegration
Oral/Maxillofacial (TMJ) Functional Ability Reintegration
Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) Attendant Care/Form 1
Neurology Physical Demands Analysis
Neuropsychology Labor Market Survey
Nutrition Plastic Surgery
Occupational Therapy Vocational
In-home/Activity of Daily Living Psychovocational
Orthopedic Transferrable Skills
Sleep Study
Advanced Healthcare Management Inc.
MAILING: 106-2405 Lake Shore Blvd W., Toronto, ON, M8V 1C6 OFFICES: 405 The West Mall, Unit 910, Toronto, ON, M9C 5J1
P: 416-241-3555 F: 416-241-8915
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